
Every child and youth enjoys full development potential with dignity and sustainability.


To support the human resource development and livelihoods improvement enabling participation opportunities of the communities, public institutions, civil society, the private sector and other relevant stakeholders.

Country Strategic Goal:

Goal should be added as: “By 2019, children and youths enjoy full potential of their rights in living with dignity to become human capital for sustainable development of the society”.

Background of BK

Partage has been operating programs in Cambodia since November 1989. Then it started by basic supports and it has developed progressively project focusing on  education  particularly in pre-schools and primary schools in rural areas and some villages surrounding target schools. There were six primary and six pre-schools in three provinces (Takeo, Kompong Speu, and Kandal) under Partage’s projects during the period of 1989 to 1999.

By July 1999, Partage Cambodia had been localized as “Bandos Komar Association”, which became a local NGO in order to take over all Partage’s projects. Since 2002, BK has expanded its programs to new target provinces such as Pursat in 2002 and Siem Reap in 2008.

Core Values:  

Accountability, Dignity, Equity, Creativity, the Best Interests of Children, Gender Responsiveness, Cooperation and Partnership, Resilience and Flexibility, Child Rights Programming and Result-based approach.